2020: DAY 63
SMH, p7
109 Goulburn St, Sydney, 1900 - Source: State Library of NSW
(p5) - OUR VIENNA LETTER - APRIL 12 - “Looking back over the history of this unhappy country, that never knows rest, vainly one casts about for signs of progress and improvement. Nothing is to be found but a spirit of retrogression and spiritual oppression. In legislation, in administration, no advance. In the last three years Austria had six Ministries and three of the six budgets were never passed by Parliament. … coal strikes, dangers of anarchists, German empire news, Recipe for photographic developer solution...
(p6) – DARLING HARBOUR WHARF RESUMPTION / AN ASSOCIATION FORMED - of wharf & ship owners - Editorial on garbage collection - the sooner we get an incinerator, the better
(p7 ) – WOMAN'S COLUMN The work of cleansing – is it not the true function of all women ? Do you remember that princesses and ladies of high degree did not disdain to wash the linen in the early days of the golden long ago? The lovely maidens by the river's brink, with their snowy linen outspread under the gleaming blue of the Grecian sky form a picture pleasing for all time. Though the estimation in which such work is held has degenerated … the function of the washerwoman is one of the noblest possible, typical of the best work that women can ever do, turning what is soiled and stained into what is wholesome and sweet. … “Virtue never dwelt long with filth”
(p10) – BUBONIC PLAGUE / ONE FRESH CASE - 662 rats caught.
THE CENTRAL VIGILANCE COMMITTEE / REPORT ON RAT DESTRUCTION – 68,076 Killed since March 2 ( & paid for @ 2d/head; a further 3000 since paid for @ 6d/head )- "A report which had been prepared by the executive showed that attention was being given to the habitations of the Chinese. Eleven Chinamen had been attacked within a few days and of these ten had died. That was an enormous fatality. [these figures overstate the official record by 50%] With all their virtues Chinamen had not the same notion of cleanliness that Europeans had." - proposed new by-laws to insist that baths be installed in all houses (by landlords) ; 114 complaints for the week (Council couldn't keep up because not enough inspectors) . - Rat trapping - the best place to put traps, the best traps to use, the best kinds of bait, and how to handle dead rats - Exec told Pres of Board of Health there were some grounds for believing Chinese were concealing their plague patients. -Insanitary conditions of schools - complaints about damages during cleansing; Premier wouldn't admit responsibility but would pay compensation as an act of grace in some cases.