2020: DAY 38
SMH p3
- remaining under treatment - 70
; admitted during week - 27
; died " 7
Total to date: 156 cases
, 53 deaths
, 27 discharged, recovered.
Total contacts: 924.
Remaining on Saturday 260
; Cases among contacts: 5
THE CITIZENS VIGILANCE COMMITTEE ‘In the evening a meeting of the members of sectional committee was held, where discussion, which lasted for some time, took place on the organisation of the sectional committees. The intended plan of operations was explained, and the question of holding public meetings in every division in and around the city was considered… too hard basket … another meeting next week
Letters to Editor -
from Prevention Better than Cure
- complains of tenants who leave rubbish behind. - "
I think, Sir, the sanitary inspectors should look inside the premises for fever-producing effects as well as the yards, and by compelling the occupiers to be more cleanly in their housekeeping and persons by a plentiful application of pure water and good yellow soap they would be proving themselves public benefactors in more senses than one.-
Letters from contacts who’d spent time at the Quarantine Station: Fanny Ranken, W. Wiley, G. A. McKay, F. W. Harmer, H.L. Cordner, W. H. Cherry saying ‘the sojourn at North Head is pleasant’ and how helpful everyone is. -> "Though without doubt some of those sent as patients to quarantine must die - weakly constitutions and other factors operating to prevent success in treatment - yet it is equally true that when the patient has been secured in the early stages of the disease he has an excellent chance of recovery."
- rooms and beds comfortable. Food good. You can get whatever you want from town. You can ring up and send free telegrams.
Letter from J. Gidley Fleming, asking why hospitalise contacts? Skeptical that it can be contracted from contact with sufferers. Quotes Ashburton-Thompson's opinion that plague virus can't remain in putrefying body.”In the case of contacts I think that the government are incurring very heavy expenses which might be avoided; as well as the great inconvenience that are being imposed upon persons who happen to be found anywhere where the outbreak occurs, by removing them from their occupation, business, and homes” - Why not just have them, under penalty, present themselves daily for the required number of days at the local hospital? …
Kent St, Sydney, 1900 - source: State Librayr of NSW