2020: DAY 36
Register of Letters to the Colonial Secretary:
April 24th, a letter from the German Consul, asking if certain pamphlets re plague outbreak have been received.
April 26th, a letter from the C.M.O. re the Coast Hospital
April 27th, letter from A. Ross MP, with his view on quarantine laws; letter from Treasury Re Sunday Trading & bringing photographers under early trading act …
Extracts from the Minutes of the Board of Health
April 24: Question of men employed in Quarantine Areas leaving for their homes - fear that they would carry infection; Easter Encampment by Army – cancelled; Communication from Botanapathic Medical Institute - offer of help from R. Beech. Rejected.
April 26: Capitation fee for rats set at 6d by Premier. (Many of the nurses at the Quarantine Station who were earning 1/9 per day would have been safer and better off financially by catching three or four rats a day); N.Z. Govt asked for Haffkine's prophylactic. Board said we've got none to spare but could send you 500 doses in an emergency when we get fresh supply. (It had ordered 10,000/mth); Letter from Mr John Pepper complaining of management of Quarantine Station No action was thought necessary.
NSW Govt. Gazette, 1900, Vol 2, Govt. Printer, 1900
Further extensions of scheduled areas gazetted …
Meanwhile, materials (blue-metal, sand, cement) being delivered for construction of sewerage works in Darling Harbour, Blackwattle Bay. Life goes on - bankruptcies, tenders called for, vital statistics released etc; the language of cattle-brands; notifications setting apart crown lands for homestead selections; applications for gold-mine leases, oyster farms...
Register of Deaths
Between April 22nd and April 28th, there are 10 deaths from Bubonic Plague: 5 men, one woman, a 16 year old youth, two teenage girls, one 15 and the other 13, and a 4 year old boy. – 4 more than the previous week.
Rubbish, bottom of King St, Sydney, 1900 - Source: State Library of NSW