2020: DAY 21
.Letter from Edward Pulsford MLC in response to Mayor's letter saying that Council hasn’t done as much as the Woollahra Sanitary Committee would like.
WAR ON THE CORSET - … Much to our surprise, therefore, we now leam that a war against the corset has been declared in Paris, and that several leading fashionable dames of society in that city are advocating the abandonment of the corset. … Among the well known women in Paris who have bravely forsworn the corset is La Duchesse d'Uzes This lady is a prominent leader and originator of fashions, and her influence is far reaching. She is the originator of the automobile, was famous in the Boulanger affair, and now boldly declaims against the corset. When such women as she – a representative woman combining so many attractions at home, in the ball-room, in the spotting field, and in the more serious relations of life-when such women, and French women, too, living in the heart of Paris, send abroad the story that there is a corset war, it is quite necessary for us to consider it too…
… Miss Ada Coffey (the "Australian songbird,"as she is called in England and America) wrote recently on this subject to a friend -" I don't wear the regulation corset at all I wear a simple, ribbon corset band, as a sort of a support, and I wear even this very loose. If I were stout I should certainly be obliged to wear a corset, but I should wear it very loose. Tight lacing is vulgar …
… Sarah Bernhardt and Mrs Leslie Carter wear no corsets, but neither of them needs any. English women and Australian women exercise so much more than French and American women so that their flesh is very hard and firm, and a corset not always necessary. Plenty of outdoor sport, either upon horseback or upon a bicycle, is the best antidote to the need of a stiff corset, and in these advanced days the young, supple, muscular shape is greatly admired in our women.
NEW CASES REPORTED YESTERDAY - rat extermination brigade formed. - incinerator at bottom of Bathurst St - trap was set on wharf. Capable of catching 100 rats, it managed only to trap two cats.
INTERCOLONIAL CONFERENCE. MELBOURNE, Friday. – The intercolonial conference of medical officers on the suppression of the bubonic plague continued its work to-day The conference took the report of the Venice Plague Convention as the basis ot its deliberations, and discussed its findings generally, with a view of applying them locally…
SOME ACCOUNTS OF THE NUMEROUS OUTBREAKS IN LONDON – (by " A.D.") - suggestion that plague was endemic in London before 1665, when 100,000 died out of population of 465,000, half of whom fled.
5 Batson’s Lane, rear, 1900 - Source_State Library of NSW