DAY 4:
Article by Samuel T Knaggs M.D. - panic is out of all proportion to gravity of case.
1898 1899
Cases of typhoid 3302 2783
Scarlet fever: 6342 1389
Diptheria 1493 741
Most prevalent complaint in colonies – consumption. Premier Lyne - telegram to Indian Viceroy asking for "a good plague expert" and one skilled in manufacture of plague serum. Also sent message, same day to Imperial authorities saying that peace in South Africa should not be concluded on terms other than absolute supremacy of British rule.
The Sydney Mail - plague now all-absorbing topic of conversation in Sydney, next to (but ahead of) the war. This week's Mail has 4 pages of pictures. - editorial in favour of a Harbour Trust with powers to resume wharfs.
THE EFFICACY OF INOCULATION - McCredie (Consultant Engineer overseeing cleansing operations) living in area, lodged in Union Co's buildings. - case of warehouse with 150 employees where 2 cases of plague occurred. - Distinction made b/w people working in a space and people living and sleeping in a space. Employees not quarantined; clearly too difficult. - steps to be taken to see that barriers not broken - extra police - so the people were simply ignoring them. - Robinson, president of Chamber of Commerce, appointed to Board of Health because his advice would be invaluable to board in dealing with warehouses and other establishments. - Suggested meeting of Parliament: - several MP's suggested that Parliament be convened "to deal with the plague". Ministers, however, reckon that existing law is sufficient. Lyne says he's too busy and that if Parliament were sitting, he wouldn't be able to do this work. Attorney General hopes that outbreak will arouse interest and call public attention to need for Harbour Trust. -
WHAT IS BEING DONE - interviews with Mr McCredie and Ashburton-Thompson - eager bureaucrat, zealous. - Ashburton-Thompson : the stench caused by the stirring up of so much garbage was overpowering. Rubbish burnt in streets to help get rid of smell. - Police withdrawn from suburbs to do quarantine duty. Protest from suburbs because of risk of infection - At Circular Quay - "There is no appearance of plague at the quay. On the contrary, all is stir, bustle and life." - Fish Supply - more concern from fishermen. -
ESTABLISHMENT OF A HARBOUR TRUST - Lane Cove Council critical of failure of Govt to do something years ago. More than 25 yrs ago Sydney Chamber of Commerce passed resolution urging action. Had they done it then they would now have a railway through western part of city and they wouldn't have had plague, he believed. - Sydney Chamber of Commerce - same evening as Lane Cove meeting, special meeting of SCC decided to urge premier to set up harbour trust.
Rear, 50 Wexford St